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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

imitation black: step by step on fanart

the step by step by the one who have to many time on her hand

the rough sketch. i use deep blue lead so that explain the sketch color. i have to rewatch the vid for a few times till i get the atmosphere and have to pause to draw the rough sketches of their clothes

I directly inked Len's dress with o.2 pilot drawing pen. there's a few addition I made to Gakupo.
finished with inking len yeah you're pretty Len, no doubt, but you're a boy. start to ink the foremost part of Gakupo (his hand). I got pretty confused with his hair I'm messy, lol thus i re-sketch it using my 3 years old mechanical pencil.
pretty much done with basic outline and start to ink Kaito. He's pretty easy though ink consuming..
Tadaa~~ the basic artline done. Since I'm a crap at cg-ing and I'm gonna make it a full monochrome illustration, there's a few addition that have to be done
start to color the black area. I've never really abide the light-and-shadow rule, i just go my merry way to do so. It less complicated that way. trust your instinct when doing so I'm not responsible if yours turn out bad. to make it less confusing I made a tiny little 'x' on every part that need to be inked black. do anyone tell you the marker, though xylene-free have the most awful smell?? that thing contain fatal substance, i swear
the most annoying fun part, re-inking part. There's a few line that needed to thickened. usually i have my 0.1 and 0.4 to do that part. the difference in line will make the artwork more 3-D.
pretty much done with illustration. I added a few elements just to ensure that the artwork won't look empty. I'm a freak so I have a crazy urge to fill every single empty space

screw this...i've got too many free time on my hand and i'm ignoring my assignment. sue me, but i have to de-stress my self. excuse me...those three smexy hot bishies just scream "draw me!!!" with those delicious outfit..huhuhu

the final artwork can be seen here click this magic link

++still running imitation black in her music list++