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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting sick

It's like 2 or 3 years since last I got sick~lol, I dunno. I rarely got sick, but yesterday I cant get up from my bed. Felt like having a big hangover~keep throwing up~I even sleep at 10 o'clock.hahaha.

Mom scold me for not taking meds.I hate meds. I rather keep my liver relaxed and all that. I love my liver~no need to extra works bcoz of meds though i did take one tab of PCM at 9 o'clock .  Now I have to wait for another 2 or 3 years to get sick again ( unless I get another case of food poisoning in near future).

currently reading as much arthurxmerlin fanfics that I can find. I've been meaning to read fanfics from this fandom for quite sometimes~found a list of good recs, hell yeah. at least I got new reading stuff. lol, keep lurking on this fandom like forever~go to utube and find stuff about them.haha. Merlin season 4 just make me deliriously happy.  Arthur is still the biggest prat ever, and Merlin is just damn adorable~ the off-screen Merlin cast is damn adorable too. Katie is one hella fun, Bradley is an adorable attention whore, and Colin is the one who didn't talk much ( his accent is too thick, I can't even gather what he's talking about. Irish, like that explain much).

read this one fic, in which arthur is a fic writer on lj, and merlin beta-ing for him.total epic!!! i squeal so much reading the last line~hell yeah. though they write fics for starz's camelot~( dunno much bout this show.haha).

dude, hapakebenda yang i merapu nieyh. sorry, still dizzy lagi. my headache refuse to ebb away~haha

++lotsa fic to read, lotsa stuff to do++


Sayko said...

Get well soon, laling~