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Sunday, February 21, 2010

i totally doomed..oh, and a new lappie~~

my pa gave me his lappie so that i can get rid of the old one (thanks aenda) and i don't really customize everything there yet..i downloaded paint tool sai only to be in despair as my tabby won't cooperate with it OTL i don't know what to say, even my ps css3 is also against me. i got a trial verse from the net and it had expired..should i install ps 7.0? very classic~~ at last i resorted back to traditional media. digital thingy have to wait for a lil bit..lately i try to do rough sketches using my color lead pencils and directly inked it with my merry band of 3 years old drawing pens.
after 2 page of random inking i drew this..the inking is still halfway done. the low quality pics is due to my webcam (bless him) and those random fingers is me *wink* *wink* those are my OCs, i think..dia(mond), spade, club and heart..yeah, lame name. i know...orz.I'm actually glad that my inking skil don't totally regressed, though i admit the random sketches i made before this were horrible.

++trying hard to ink the bloody thing.it's been 2 days already++