konoha village here had received a massive shock when they came to realize that some of the shinobi had turned to pokemon!!!!!!SOS....whoeva has the cure to this problem,kindly contact Konoha current hokage, Tsunade-sama..
from left:kakashi, gaara(this one were in konoha when disease strike), sasuke, lee(above). naruto, sakura(above), shikamaru, shino
I'm pretty mixed up myself...sometimes i'm normal..(well, u can guest the other times i'm not really...well....normal)....I get spaced out whenever I have d chance to do so..(esp. when i'm in class)...owh...stop reading this stuff...it get sillier every time...
banyak la ko pny new disease... aku tgk macam pokemon biasa yg telah di cosplaykan je...
betoool what???
huhuhu... takotnye terkena kat aku...
bkn aku mmg da pokemon ke?
aku kan pikachu...
kalo aku kn disease tu aku tuka jd org la ek?
chepa!!!! check-out blog aku!!!
aku dah renovate!!!
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